A strong argument can be made that teachers learn better from other teachers, typically because the presented ideas are practical and not theoretical. Teachers can take the ideas presented and use them immediately in their classrooms.There are many benefits to being a presenter the first of which is the priceless preparation process for the following reasons:
The essence of “Teach Live” events is that participants can experience an educational strategy, concept, or method of delivering a lesson that promotes quality teaching and learning. Presenters can teach to actual students in a classroom or use participants as students to demonstrate the strategy, concept, or method they are conveying. One other format is a general session where presenters communicate information utilizing more of a direct teaching style. However, they should intentionally engage their audience during their presentation, whether actively involving them in some activity, engaging through technology, or asking them critical thinking questions. Therefore the two types of presentations are as follows:
Here is a list of themes and ideas that will be demonstrated at Teach Live. You can use these to help create your presentation.
Here is a link to a sample submission click here